Personal Rebecca Waun Personal Rebecca Waun

I'm a Grounded Teenager...

The introverted side of me has severe crowd anxiety, but extroverted me loves a small gathering of friends that I can comfortably by loud and obnoxious with. I have to work myself up to being really energetic and fun for the clients I photograph. This always requires a good recharge when I get home. This leads me back to feeling like a grounded teenager! I like to be home, but I don’t like being told to stay there!

No, really I feel like we are all grounded teenagers! We have to be isolated from our friends, Phone calls are ok to make but no chance you can hang out. We can only go out unless we are in our cars or have to get things that we absolutely need. Granted, we still can watch TV (thank god for Netflix!), but we are still stuck in our homes every day and can’t be with our friends, our extended family, playing our normal sports seasons. Yes it stinks!

I am also thankful. Thankful for a healthy family, for those who have to endure going out to make life a bit easier for us. Doctors and nurses on the front lines of this as well as those businesses who are open to provide us with our essential needs. I am Thankful!

I’m an introvert with extroverted tendencies…

Let me explain what this is, because honestly a lot of us might be like this. I am probably one of the biggest homebodies you will ever meet. Outside of work, I’m usually home. I love having interaction with my clients, students and friends, but I would rather be home. The introverted side of me has severe crowd anxiety, but extroverted me loves a small gathering of friends that I can comfortably by loud and obnoxious with. I have to work myself up to being really energetic and fun for the clients I photograph. This always requires a good recharge when I get home. This leads me back to feeling like a grounded teenager!

Indiana Family Photographer_Rebecca Danielle Portraits

While I love to be home, I don’t like being told to stay there!

Instead of complaining about it, I am going to make the best of what we have. Here are a few tid bits that I found to be really helpful for my sanity and soul.

Make your bed

I know this sounds like I’m off my rocker, but if at all during the day you don’t do anything else. It feels really good to start your day by accomplishing one small thing. The bonus is when you go to bed it’s a great subconscious way to end your day by climbing into your already made bed.

Indiana Senior Photographer_Rebecca Danielle Portraits

Take a shower

We are going on day WHO KNOWS WHAT of this time at home and I have to start marking days on the calendar to know what day it is. Some of you (you know who you are) are going on day 3 or 4 in the same pj pants and t-shirt #guilty. So WASH YO BODY!

It doesn’t have to be a wash your hair everyday occurrence, just your body will do. Get the stink off yourself from the day before, or shower at night to wash off the day.

Put on Mascara

If you want to put on a full face… do it! It will seriously help how you feel about yourself to throw on a bit of makeup.

This one is for the Soul (take time to yourself)

Indiana Senior Photographer_ Peru Indiana_ Rebecca Danielle Portraits

For me this might be a great devotional book so I can connect on a spiritual level and do a little praying, devotional guided books are my favorite! “Prayer journal for women” is what I’m currently using. Podcasts are great as well! Rachel Hollis has one called “rise” and I love listening to her motivation.

Yoga! I love going to my local tribe here in Peru. They were so amazing that they put together a YouTube Channel of yoga sessions. It really helps me relax and get a work out all at once. Maybe you will join us and check out The Breathing Room when this is all over!

Last but not least I asked a few of you teens on my Instagram what you are doing to keep yourselves entertained. Thank you to everyone who participated! Join in on some of the fun in my stories and you might be featured on my blogs!

Indiana Family Photographer_Rebecca Danielle Portraits

    Madelyn: “Working out and cleaning!”

    Hannah: “Working out”

     Emma: “painting on things”

    Naomi: “fishing, drawing, sleeping, and tiktoking”

    Camile: “Baking!”

     Zoe: “Running and playing board games”

     Allison: “Binging Netflix LOL”

     Madelynn: “Rearranging my room”

I hope you all are making the best of this crazy time we are in. Stay safe, God bless and I will post more soon!


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Seniors, Personal, Humor Rebecca Waun Seniors, Personal, Humor Rebecca Waun

Indiana Senior Photographer | Skipper Class of 2020

Her biggest accomplishment of her senior year was buying her first car. She was told that she had to buy her own, so she got a job at Aroma Coffee shop and earned enough from her Junior and Senior year that she bought her very own car.

A Bord photographer safe in her home and can’t photograph. She does the next best thing! Indiana Senior Photographer | Rebecca Danielle Portraits

Skipper, what can I say about her? This girl showed me sass the entire session. Not once did she crack a full smile. Adamant on using that blue steal look of hers, and she rocked it! As soon as I met her for coffee in The Dream house Café I knew we would instantly have a great time. We laughed and even played dress up from Barbie’s wardrobe (Don’t worry, Barbie gave us the ok).  We set a time earlier in the year to have this session, but with the COVID-19 outbreak I was just about to cancel with her. She told me she was immune from the virus and couldn’t even carry it! Presented a note from her Doctor so we kept the date! I was so excited to finally photograph again!

Indiana Senior Photographer_ Peru Indiana_ Rebecca Danielle Portraits
Indiana Senior Photographer_ Peru Indiana_ Rebecca Danielle Portraits

Her favorite memory of 2020 was her homecoming. The game was against their undefeated rivals “The Braves.” The score stayed neck in neck the entire night. Her boyfriend Kevin made the winning touchdown. Afterwards they went to East End Double Dip and celebrated with lots of Ice cream and Pizza.

Indiana Senior Photographer_ Peru Indiana_ Rebecca Danielle Portraits
Indiana Senior Photographer_ Peru Indiana_ Rebecca Danielle Portraits

Her biggest accomplishment was buying her first car. She was told that she had to buy her own, so she got a job at Aroma Coffee shop and earned enough from her Junior and Senior year that she bought her very own car.

Indiana Senior Photographer_ Peru Indiana_ Rebecca Danielle Portraits
Indiana Senior Photographer_ Peru Indiana_ Rebecca Danielle Portraits
Indiana Senior Photographer_ Peru Indiana_ Rebecca Danielle Portraits

Before all this chaos of schools shutting down she was able to get a scholarship for cheer at Arizona State. I was so excited for her because I had told her that I lived there for almost 10 years and I told her she was going to love it. She wants to major in the medical field.


The evening was amazing, and it really made my night. I am so thankful that I was able to meet Skipper she may look like a stoic model, but she is one fun girl.

I hope you enjoyed this session as much as I did. Stay at home, be safe and be grateful.
#letusallbewell #coronacation

God Bless,


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