Events, business, Comunity Rebecca Waun Events, business, Comunity Rebecca Waun

Miami County, Indiana | Event Photographer | Miami County 4H Fair Royalty Pageants

The phone call started with a very frantic voice on the other end of the line. The photographer that normally photographs for the Miami County Duchess and Princess pageants had a wedding to cover. I am so thankful to be friends with this photographer, because she gave my name over to the pageant committee. This opportunity left me with a full heart and feeling so blessed to have been able to meet these beautiful ladies and contestants. Thank you to Lindsey at Snappy Giraffe Photography for allowing me the opportunity to photograph this year. To the Miami County Pageant Committee, Thank you for taking a chance on me, and I hope to be involved more next year!


The phone call started with a very frantic voice on the other end of the line. The photographer that normally photographs for the Miami County Duchess and Princess pageants had a wedding to cover. I am so thankful to be friends with this photographer, because she gave my name over to the pageant committee. This opportunity left me with a full heart and feeling so blessed to have been able to meet these beautiful ladies and contestants. Thank you to Lindsey at Snappy Giraffe Photography for allowing me the opportunity to photograph this year. To the Miami County Pageant Committee, Thank you for taking a chance on me, and I hope to be involved more next year!

Outgoing 2018 Miami County Fair Royalty:  Miss Miami County 2018, Eilee Densiton MIami County Duchess 2018, Elizabeth Pavey Miami County Princess 2018, Lilah Millian

Outgoing 2018 Miami County Fair Royalty:
Miss Miami County 2018, Eilee Densiton
MIami County Duchess 2018, Elizabeth Pavey
Miami County Princess 2018, Lilah Millian

Miami County Duchess
Miami County Princess 2018

The stage was decorated with candy decor. The contestants did a phenomenal job in their opening number. As a first time pageant goer, this left my feet tapping to the music choice and a smile on my face.



After a proper introduction, 2018 Princess Lilah Million was escorted in By her father and proudly watched the contestants take the stage.

After a proper introduction, 2018 Princess Lilah Million was escorted in By her father and proudly watched the contestants take the stage.

2018 Duchess Elizabeth Pavey is introduced and takes the stage.

2018 Duchess Elizabeth Pavey is introduced and takes the stage.


Princess Pageant

Duchess Pageant


Princess Pageant

Dutchess Pageant

Rdanielleportraits_its the little things

While the judges deliberated This was the time I was given the opportunity to do quick full length portraits of the contestants. Battling the sun and wind during the Princess pageant and fighting the lighting clock during the Dutchess pageant we still had fun. In the end the contestants and the photos were beautiful. These photos were printed by Millers lab and gifted to the girls (this was my favorite part).

Being able to give something to these girls for doing an amazing job was my absolute pleasure!

Princess Lila Does her Final walk as Miami County Princess. The Coronation for the 2019 Princess court begins! Congratulations to this years 2019 Miami County Princess court! Top Sponsor Elisabeth Butt, 3rd runner up: Lauryn Merrit, 2nd Runner up: Farrin Douglass, 1st Runner up: Olivia Kunkle, Miami County Princess 2019: Emilee Isley.

2019 Miami County Princess, Emilee Isley

2019 Miami County Princess, Emilee Isley

Duchess Elizabeth says her final goodbyes as Miami County Duchess 2018. The Coronation for the 2019 Duchess court begins! Congratulations to this year’s 2019 Miami County Duchess court! Top Sponsor Alexandria Blackford, Miss Congeniality: Madison Wilson, 3rd runner up Alyssa Ramos, 2nd Runner up: Alexandra Merrit, 1st Runner up: Madison Wilson, Miami County Duchess 2019: Dara Bargerhuff.

2019 Miami County Dutchess: Dara Bargerhuff

2019 Miami County Dutchess: Dara Bargerhuff

Miss Miami County Pageant

I was not the official photographer for the queen pageant that was held a couple days after the Duchess and Princess Pageant, but i did get some shots of the Miss Miami County Pageant. Thank you again to the Pageant committee for asking me to photograph for you!

1 Corinthians 16:14

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